Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What are the best track spikes for hurdles?

Im going to be running the 100 and 400 in hurdles|||well there are the 110HH (High Hurdles) and the 300IH (Intermediate Hurdles) and only in college and above are there 400IH.. Me being a hurdler myself i would suggest some sprinter spikes because you are mainly on your toes and at a dead sprint in both events.. you also have to be able to dig deep to clear the hurdles which also would be best found in sprinter spikes..

if u want to look at some of my times follow this link


Good luck in your season this year!!

Which race is more difficult, the 400m dash or 300m hurdles?

I'm running my first 300m hurdles race tomorrow. I'm origionally a 400m and 200m runner but my coach thinks the 300h will be a good event for me. I have no idea what it feels like to run the 300 hurdles so i need a comparison between it and the 400m dash.|||hurdles, you have to worry about jumping over things then running

What are the height and width of girls high school hurdles?

I am making track hurdles and i need to know the height and width of girls high school hurdles for the 100 meter and the 300 meter|||the height for the 100 hurdles is 33 inches, for the 300 it is 30 inches.

The weight of the hurdle does not matter, what does is the pull over weight, that is how much weight it takes to push the hurdle over when you hit it, and that is 7 1/2 pounds.

the weight on the legs varies with the height of the hurdles which is why there is an adjustment on the weight when you raise and lower the hurdle, some of the new ones are automatic, but the older or cheaper ones have to be changed by hand.

Since you are practicing I would not worry about the exact push over weight, and you can make practice hurdles from pvc pipe, so you can take them down for transport to and from the track.

What kind of Track shoes are best for hurdles and long jump?

i need track shoes but beore i get them i neeed to know what kind are the best for me for track and what kinda shoes work best)like spikes,cleets...etc)

so tell me and I will take you'r suggestions!!|||you need to get sprinters spikes. for those events, you will want to get spikes especially made for hurdling and long jump. they are lightweight shoes with spikes, but have more support and cushioning than just regular sprinting spikes.

Any phrases or quotes for overcoming difficult hurdles in life?

I need some really great quotes for overcoming hardships in life. Something that will give a person hope and strength to endure the struggles.|||Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever...”-- Isak Dinesen

“Things will happen in your life that you can't stop, but that's no reason to shut out the world. There's a purpose for the good and for the bad." Crazy Pete

However long the night, the dawn will break.

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.

Sometimes things will fall apart in order for other things to fall into place.

Through all the heartaches and the tears, through gloomy days and fruitless years;

I do give thanks for now i know, these were the things that helped me grow

"May God give you:

For every storm, a rainbow, For every tear, a smile, For every care, a promise, And a blessing in each trial.

For every problem life sends, A faithful friend to share, For every sigh, a sweet song, And an answer for each prayer."|||Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Life has many twists and turns in it, you have to take what you are given and use it for the best.


What saves a man is to take a step. Then another step.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Once you choose hope, anything's possible.

Christopher Reeve

Tough times never last, but tough people do!

Robert Schuller

Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive.

Jesse Jackson

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage.

William E. Channing

Facing it-always facing it-that's the way to get through. Face it!

Joseph Conrad|||To live remains an art which everyone must learn, and which no one can teach. --Havelock Ellis

Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drive into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark. --Samuel Johnson

Life was a damned muddle - a football game with everyone offside and the referee gotten rid of - everyone claiming the referee would have been on his side. --F. Scott Fitzgerald|||Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of.

- Josh Billings

Hope that helps :)

What is a good time for a junior high kid to have on the 300 meter hurdles?

my best time is 53.4 seconds is that good??? also i got 19.2 seconds on the 110 meter hurdles is that good???|||not good. for 300 hurdles: at most 44sec. to compete/ for the 110m hurdles: at most 15.8 to compete

Three refusals to Europe will make hurdles in going abroad? What about issuing a new passport then.?

i have three refusals, 1 foe spain tourist visa and other 2 of greece family visa. shall these refusals create problems in getting any visa of any country or shall i make a new passport . please help.|||A new passport would not help since the visa refusals are entered in the computer system of the Schengen countries. It depends on the reason of the refusal whether you will get a visa for other Schengen countries. Should it just have been missing documentation or insufficient funds you may try to forward a straightforward, complete application supported with proper documentation. Should the reason for the refusal however be based on forged documentation or untrue statements made a new application would be senseless..

Edit: [based on the contribution of my dear friend Jean-Michel]

Actually visa denials are not entered in the Schengen Information System (SIS). The SIS database contains the following data:

1. alerts aiming at refusing entry or stay of third country i.e. non-EU member nationals,

2. alerts on persons wanted for arrest and surrender or extradition on grounds of the European arrest warrant,

3. alerts on disappeared persons,

4. alerts on persons wanted for judicial procedure (persons summoned to appear before the judicial authorities in connection with criminal proceedings, persons who are to be served with a criminal judgment, witnesses)

5. alerts issued for the purposes of discreet surveillance or of specific checks concerning persons and objects,

6. alerts on objects sought for the purposes of seizure or use as evidence in criminal proceedings.

Alerts as stated in para 1. always will be based on prior break of law in a Schengen country, like illegal overstay or will be based on results of intelligence operations.

A second automated system, the Visa Information System (VIS) is in progress to be established. It will contain all visa denial data as well as the fingerprints of visa applicants. At present manual consulting between Schengen countries is required prior to a visa issue, hence all denial data are available at the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the individual Schengen countries. The problem is that in France, Germany, Italy, or Spain grounds for refusal did not have to be communicated. This will be subject to change effective the 5th of April 2010 when the EU visa code gets into effect.

http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesActi… ..

I'm afraid the asker is a victim of the system and the unbalanced distribution of resources on earth.|||Having read this and your other two questions and the excellent replies from my good friends “GP, Bla Bla %26amp; Carajillo” I seem to be finding more questions than answers, to that end I am inclined to agree with their thoughts especially as you have been refused by two countries. Firstly, even though you do not provide us with your nationality it seems very strange that you say your husband has been in Greece for the past 10 years. Really makes me wonder if he is legally entitled to be there - sorry but I have to ask that question as it is usual for the spouse to be granted access to visit.

Then there is the question, why were you refused a “tourist” visa for Spain!! Again I am asking myself the question – “WHY”? To which I can only think of three scenarios:

1.An attempt has been made to enter the “Schenegen Area” without the correct paperwork and been refused entry. In which case the question to be asked is: Have you a refused entry stamp in your passport?

2.You or someone close to you is or has been on the “persona non-grata” list on the database.

3.You have committed an offence in your own country that would preclude entry into the Schenegen Area.

The only course of action I feel is open to you, “GP” please correct me if I err, is to apply to the “Schenegen State” of your choice and ask to see this information about you held on the Schenegen Information System database – having it corrected should there be an error. Note: The error can only be corrected by the country entering the incorrect information

EDIT: To my good friend GP, thank you for the corrections and the explanations..|||If you have been refused three visas, then the reason has to be a serious one. If you can't resolve that reason then you will always have a problem.|||I'd be wondering why you were refused, me.

What are the common hurdles mostly create disturbance in our spiritual sadhana?

Technical details are already given above. Thanks to all of them. But specifically I can list common hurdles I face in our spiritual sadhana as follows,

1. I can not detach my self from family and become mere observer,

2. I can't stop if any good recipe is served after long time in front of me,

3. I can not stop worrying about future of me and my family,

4. I can not forget bad past and ill treatment received,

5. I can not stop blaming some one in absence of somebody,

6. I can not remember Him by doing "ajapajapa".

7. I am not able to win anger totally.

Though, I am trying to achieve all, I have not got total success till now.

Jai Shree Ram!!!!!|||Very nice question.

I'm sorry for just quoting, I know, it's kind of dry but i wouldn't be able to say it in a better way.

The Upadeshamrta learns us the following:

atyāhāraḥ prayāsaś ca

prajalpo niyamāgrahaḥ

jana-sańgaś ca laulyaḿ ca

ṣaḍbhir bhaktir vinaśyati

One's devotional service (sadhana bhakti) is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities:

(1) eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required;

(2) overendeavoring for mundane things that are very difficult to obtain;

(3) talking unnecessarily about mundane subject matters;

(4) Practicing the scriptural rules and regulations only for the sake of following them and not for the sake of spiritual advancement, or rejecting the rules and regulations of the scriptures and working independently or whimsically;

(5) associating with worldly-minded persons who are not interested in Kṛṣṇa (God) consciousness; and

(6) being greedy for mundane achievements.

These are the six main obstacles. Ignoring these may lead to more serious offences which are very detrimental for spiritual life such as blasphemy against God, scriptures or saints.|||Actually there are many hurdles in Spiritual Sadhana, Ramakrishna says that Sadhana is like walking on the edge of the sword, it is a very tough path to walk.

Hypocrisy is one of the most common hurdles in the path. Other than that arishad vargas are also common hurdles.|||Basically lack of love towards god,discipline, dedication causes disturbances. Therefore non stop japa of the mantra softens your mind. Plus any type of sthotra, bhajan, writing down god name in a book, reading books related to spirituality will give immense happiness. Thus even in a war zone you will be cool.|||Our own nears and dears. All the relations are based on self interests.

Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse - tell me, who belongs to whom? ||1||Pause|| {Bhagat Kabeer Ji Raag Dhanaasree 692}

Mother, father, spouse, children, relatives, lovers, friends and siblings meet, having been associated in previous lives; but none of them will be your companion and support in the end. ||1||

{Guru Arjan Dev Ji Raag Jaithsree 700}

Love and attachment to mother, father, sibling, child and spouse, is all just an illusion. ||1||Pause|| {Bhagat Kabeer Ji Raag Saarang 1253}

God placed you with your mother, father, brothers, sons and wife.

{Guru Arjan Dev Ji Siree Raag 77}

Mother, father, siblings, children and spouse - he is entangled in their love.{Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji Raag Dhanaasree 684}

All things are mere diversions of life:

mother, father, siblings, children, relatives and the wife of your home. ||1||Pause|| {Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji Raag Dayv Gandhaaree 536}

And the great hurdle is whom you think the best.|||our mind---

our mindful thoughts,opinions,fears makes the person to involve all emotions,ego,all negativity.

if anyone wants to control mind--by doing some aspects,meditation it will raise like anything.

if anyone experiene the mind at each and every instance and sharing the same to the god,,,,,then god will make us to be away from mind.

then we live with mind without any disturbances just like a drop of water without touching the lotus leaf even though it is on leaf.|||Dear Hema Ji,

Accept my Appreciations for asking such good Questions.


Though Narendra Ji has given very good Answer based on his personal experiences.

Still as per my observations :

Following are the main Hurdles in the sequence of their rigorousness (strength) :

1. KAAM (Attraction of Opposite Sex and Sexual Desire)

2. KRODH (Anger)

3. LOBH (Greed)

4. MOH (Attachment to near %26amp; dear ones)

5. BHAY (Fear)

6. CHINTA (Tension)

7. DWESH (Jealousy)

8. AHANKAR (Proud/Ego)

Out of these the most powerful are KAAM %26amp; KRODH. It is really very difficult to completely control them.

Now please don't ask - how to control them !

This - you can ask please on our Group - Shivopasana - where I shall give you proper answer - the Controlling Technique.

Aum Namah Shivay



the Arishad vargaas (six internal enemies) , Kaama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha. Mada and Maatsaryam are the first and deadliest very strong HURDLES in any ones SAADHANA..|||The hurdles are different for different types of Sadhana. What path you choose determines what kind of hurdles you will face.|||Ego/ahankar. Ego related arishadvargas/six classes of enemies: lust(kama), anger(kroda), greed(lobha), infatualtion(moha), pride(madha) and jealousy(matsarya).|||Desires , Anger, Hatred towards others , Ego , ignorance , selfishness , Greed , Lust , ..etc. List is long. But unwanted desires and ignorance tops everything...|||Stupidity, ignorance, superstition.|||the family life brings in burden of duty towards relations/ an ascetic is a free man to pursue his sadana for realisation|||Find "the View" on television and turn up the volume.|||A$$HOLES! Seriously, they are everywhere.|||laziness, postponement, becoming attracted by sense-objects etc.|||Sex, Heroin, Pride.

What is the record time for middle school guys hurdles?

I run track and i have been doing hurdles so i would like to know what the fastest time for guys hurdles including the 100 and 200 meter hurles/|||THE RECORD IS THE FASTEST GUY|||A I HURDLE A 14 FLAT I AM THE FASTEST ONE I MIDDLE SCHOOL IN CMS

Report Abuse

|||People probally dont keep track of middle school records

I am in middle school and I did hurdles for AAF Mt Sac RElays Youth Days, I slipped though on hte grass, but still got first, our school is known for its greatness at hurdles

anyways, my personal best was 18.1, but that would put me like 13th best in the entire school, the fastest at our school was about 15.1?

what about you?

What are the hurdles for big industries to have their own wind/solar energy plants to meet their requirements?

Just as the other two have already stated, space is a big issue. Also, batteries. Wind %26amp; solar energy are not available everywhere in the US and around the world. It can only be very effective in certain areas (like the Southwest for solar and Midwest and Appalachian Mountain Chain for wind). There currently is not an efficient way to store and transport energy to other parts of the nation/world.

So, in addition to what everyone else has said so far, I would say that the industry's biggest hurdle is focusing primarily on wind and solar. They should be looking at biomass, hydrokynetic, and other forms, as well. Did you know cow manure (a form of biomass) can be processed to use the methane as a source of energy (like natural gas... It is natural, and it is a gas). The by-product of the process is smelly-free fertilizer! Farmers that have used the method on their dairy farms are churning out so much electricity into the grid, their entire farms run on it AND they get money from the power companies that service their area.

Hydrokynetic is relatively new to the industry. Basically, it's the equivalent of putting huge turbines under large bodies of water to use the energy of the currents to create electricity.|||I have a serious concern (theory) that wind turbines are contributing to friction slowing the Planet Earth's rotation!,,,,, and as a result decreasing our magentic field and solar radiation protection,,,,,,, i.e. free wind energy is essentially just energy drained from the rotation of our planet.... this could have devastating consequences, if we lose our magnetic solar protection, the magnetic field suddenly shrank to 1/100th of its size several years back, and then reappeared a few days later, ... our magnetic field is dependent on the speed of the rotation of the Earth.|||The single biggest issue is the amount of space required to generate enough power for say, a small welding shop. Welders, fans, lights, ac, fridge etc. would mean more space for solar panels the the footprint of the building and parking lot would allow, also solar means batteries so you need space for enough battery capacity to cover for cloudy days and shorter fall and winter days. Wind power is only viable where wind is reliable and small systems that produce several hundred watts cost on the order of a grand without batteries and controllers and an inverter. Home based solar is one thing because the average home is not as power hungry as say an arc furnace for steel production that will need on the order of a million or more watts to run. I'll end with 12v solar panel, 400 watt output, an average of 9 hours of useful sun equals enough power to light your average home for less than four hours. The panel, charge controller, batteries and inverter would top two grand.|||As Robert said, space is an issue. Why? Because the technology in it's current available state is just too inefficient for large scale industrial use.|||If it's done in the desert then no problem!

What are the hurdles to real estate ownership in Italy?

I am considering purchasing real estate in Italy as a second, holiday home. I would like any information on the potential pitfalls. Also, can someone advise as to the tax implications as a U.S. resident (i.e., can I take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction)?

Thanks.|||Buying real estate outside the U.S. requires local experts to advise you, and advisors experienced in all the regs and laws for the country(s) in which you are interested.

You should take advantage of the website www.International Living.com; they have many publications and regular subscription e-mails such as their "PostCards from [Country]". In addition they sponsor multi-day real estate investor and potential retiree seminars around the world where you learn all the ins and outs of investing in particular regions where you are attending.

If you sign up for communications on the site, prepare to be "rewarded" with regular offers to buy books, seminars, etc. Not a bad thing, really.

I have a 12-page article I downloaded from the site and formatted for MS Word entitled "Where To Buy In Italy" I would be glad to send you. It would be a good overview. E-mail me at gwjohnso@comcast.net

PS - I have no connection with International Living except as a reader.|||I work in international real estate and may be able to help you...jessicarussell.com

Do you have to have cleats for hurdles in track?

This is my first year in track and I was wondering if I had to buy cleats or special kinds of shoes or if just normal running shoes would work. For either, which kind would be the best? (preferably under $100) I have shoes for track and they are Asics, would they work maybe. I really have no idea.|||Normal shoes work fine, lots of people use them.|||I think you are talking about track spikes. You will want to look for a sprint spike. most spikes are pretty cheap starting at about 40 and going to 100 dollars. You need to go to sports store or a specialty running store and try on the spikes to find the right fit for you. The best kind of spikes are Nike and Asics. You could also try Saucony. And yes, spikes will make a difference in your time in the hurdles.|||Spikes should do fine just go to a good running store and you could get matched up to the distance your running (Like either 110m, 100m for women, or 400m hurdles) they should only range from around $30-$50. Regular running shoes are fine fore practice, but you will need track spikes for competition.|||I think you mean spikes.

yes you should get spikes if you plan on sprinting.

sprinting being 100m to 800 meter.

if your going for distance then your shoes should be fine

your shoes shouldn't be have more than 400 miles on them( if running distance).

if they do get some new ones, but make sure they fit well.

Good luck =)|||yes, for hurdles in track you should wear spikes. Go to eastbay.com they have the cheapest prices and you can find spikes for all types of events. But if you can go to the store first find the spike you like then find the same one online cheaper. When fitting make sure it fits tight but not to tight and i prefer removable spike so you can change the layout if you need to.|||Spikes would be the best choice. You can run without them, but you'll be a little slower than the others. It will cut up to 5 secs. off your time. Any spikes are good. The Nike Zoom Jana Star are really versatile and will work for any race.|||It might be in your best interest to get some spikes, i would recommend nikes, check the website to see. (nike.com) that would definitely be better than just running in plain running shoes.

What is an average Time For a Freshman in the 300m and 110m hurdles?

I recently finished my freshman year of high school and was wondering how my times were. Please leave any feedback regarding how the times are and how to improve them Thank You.

300m IM- 42.6 (FAT and hand Timed)

110m HH-17.7|||Here is a good estimate to guage your skill level, these are the fastest highschool freshman boys times in eastern ontario. As you can see your 300mh time would place you 2nd and would gain you a place in the provincial championships. As well you would place high with your 110m H

In Ontario freshman run 100mh:

Event 14 Men 100 Meter Hurdles Midget


Name Year School Finals Wind Points



1 Brett Babcock Regiopolis 14.52 2.6 10

2 Jonathan Kim Earl of Marc 14.87 2.6 8

3 Kevin Nault Cairine Wils 15.13 2.6 6

4 Rueben Meens East Northum 15.31 2.6 4

5 Artem Shlyakhtov Colonel By S 15.87 2.6 2

6 Zack Hong Brockville C 16.01 2.6 1

7 Drew Jennett Russell 16.07 2.6

8 Ryan Billard Colonel By S 16.16 2.6

Here is 300mh:

Event 16 Men 300 Meter Hurdles Midget


Name Year School Finals H# Points


1 Daniel Desgroseilliers Merivale H S 42.52 2 10

2 Kevin Nault Cairine Wils 43.05 2 8

3 Symon Stowe Almonte D H S- 43.38 2 6

4 Rueben Meens East Northum 44.07 2 4

5 Ty Whitelock Arnprior D H S 44.39 2 2

6 Robert Ridenour St. Thomas A 44.49 2 1

7 Jonathan Kim Earl of Marc 44.93 2

8 Jordan Burtt Norwood D H S 45.78 1

9 Stephen Baylis Arnprior D H S 46.02 2

10 Matt Timberall Ashbury Coll 46.04 1

11 Kian Nazerally Rockland D H S 46.64 1

12 Drew Jennett Russell 47.26 1

13 Brendan Le Holy Cross 47.40 1

14 Artem Shlyakhtov Colonel By S 47.83 1

15 Harry Hayes Almonte D H S- 48.18 1

16 Ben Jones Moira - Bell 49.66 1|||depends on the school. if it isn't that competitive its a lower expectation.

How far is it from the starting line to the first hurdle in the 110 meter hurdles race?

just wondering so i can set up some practice at home and coach my brother. i'd like it in feet or yards, but any other unit of measurement is good too. and don't tell me 6-8 steps, i know that. i need exact measurement lol. thanks!|||8 meters|||15 yards to the first hurdle

that means you could practice or even race on grass on a football field, starting on the end zone line, hurdles on every odd 5 yard line (5, 15, 25 etc.) and finish on the other end zone line

Is this a good time for girls 100 meter hurdles?

I'm in 8th grade and run middle school track. On the 100 meter hurdles, I got 19.15. I won, but I was in the second heat. Is this time good/bad/average?

This was only my second time doing it.|||It seems good! How would you have finished in the first heat?

What are colleges looking for times in hurdles, lengths for long jump and triple jump.?

So I'm currently a Junior in high school, a big year for sports as we all know. So far this year I've ran 8.0 hand time 55m hurdle race. I have not jumped this year but last year as a sophomore i jumped 20ft 7 inches in long jump and 40 ft 10 inches in triple jump. What are colleges looking for in these events?|||It depends on what division (1, 2 or 3) and then also how much the college coach feels you can improve under their system (not to mention your grades). Outdoors I would say at a minimum, sub 14.5, 23-6 and 45-0.|||D1 Tier 1 (the bigtime schools like USC, Florida, Michigan, LSU)

Hurdles 13.95-14.30

LJ 23'0 +

TJ 48'0 +

D1 Tier 2 (smaller D1 schools)

Hurdles 14.90 or less

LJ 22-23+

TJ 45'0+

Is this a good time for 100 meter hurdles girls?

I'm in 8th grade and run middle school track. On the 100 meter hurdles, I got 19.15. I won, but I was in the second heat. Is this time good/bad/average?

This was only my second time doing it.|||not bad for a second time but keep trying and you will get better at it and jist have fun

How many hurdles are there in qwop?

I got to like 40, and then my teacher overrid me and shut of my tab, so.... i looked into how long it is, heard about a hurdle. is there more than one?|||Just one at 50 meters.|||I can't even make it past 10 meters in QWOP.

What are good track spikes for hurdles, and where can I find a pair of Mizuno Men's Chrono Dash TT?

I am looking foward to being a serious hurdler.|||Get some of those lawn aerating boots, they have really long spikes and look cool on the track.

I would not use them for learning how to dance though.

What are some of your biggest hurdles when it comes to make-up?

Tell me some of the biggest challenges that you all come across when it comes to finding the right beauty products...|||eyebrow shape|||Sometimes it's a little difficult to choose just the right shade of foundation.|||a good mascara is definitely a challenge. dont be fooled by magazine advertisements, the best way to find a good mascara is to check out a good beauty blog of someone who has tried millions of mascaras and take their advice.

other than that, i know what shades im looking for so its not a big challenge. i like neutral toned eyeshadows (browns, golds, champagnes, etc) because i dont suit bright colors. as for cheeks, i like naturally orange-peach cheeks so thats all i really buy.|||Just like a lot of other people, finding the right shade of foundation. I have about 6 foundations that are a completely wrong color. Also a lot of them look really cakey on my skin. Concealers also really crease on me...makes me look like i have wrinkles and im only 18...pisses me off|||Eyeliner that doesn`t stay put is the most annoying thing ever. I have went through probably at least ten different eyeliners even Urban Decay and they all don`t last and fade too quickly.

I can`t apply liquid liner at all. It gets all over my lashes and smudges and smears everywhere.

That`s about it, LOL.

How can I get faster at hurdles?

I think I have pretty good form for a freshman hurdler, my one problem is I can never go fast enough. This is my coaches last season and more than anything I want to qualify for FCIAC and States, but I have to get 8.9 seconds, and my PR is 9.89, do you think there is a way to get faster, and drop from 9.89 to 8.9? I have one more meet to qualify. PLEASE HELP!|||In sports their are 3 things that make you good at whatever sport you participate in.

1- being in good shape or working out to get there.

2- desire, you have to want to be in a good mental state as well. You want to win and you

will do what it takes physically, mentally and when in school your grades count as well.

3- practice, practice, practice, etc, etc, etc . . . this involves time, focus and technique.

Keep in mind though that no matter how much you have of the above 3 going for you that still doesn't mean you will win or be in the top 3 or 5 or whatever.

There can always be someone better. Including the clock.

But if you keep at it then there is always next year. You're only a freshman you have 3 yrs to become a champ. Just keep at the 3 main objectives and you may just make it.

Also never forget not to be a good sport when you lose out but a great sport.|||have you looked at film of yourself? you have to find your weaknesses and correct them.

Is there a secret to 3 stepping in the 110m hurdles?

Im a senior in high school and currently run a 15.8 in the 110m hurdles but i 4 step. Is there a secret to 3 stepping so that i can decrease my time. (i have no problems with the 300m hurdles)|||there is no hidden secret unless you use roids otherwise it is all hard work

Do you feel as though you are faced with higher hurdles than others?

I sometimes feel as though I have much bigger struggles than most people.|||Do most people around you know what you're struggling with? Doubtful. In which case, you likely don't know what most people around you are struggling with, either.|||you may. but everyone experiences things differnently and remember, you can't judge a book by it's cover. some people just keep things in and others might act in ways that a person might not attribute to what may or may not have happened to them.

How do i convince my mom to let me do hurdles?

I like them a lot and am very good but my friend broke her foot on one. My mom is dead set on me not doing them. She thinks shes ''prevented an injury'' plzzzzz help!! i've done them at meets before and last year. shes just stubborn.|||take her to go watch a track meet, or tell her how much your really wanto to do hurdles and how much fun they are.

you can also tell here (if you know someone that does them) that they have soo much fun and have not had one injury

...and you could also tell your mom that the first time you sprain, strain, fracture, break, bruise something you will quit haha|||Talk to your mom. Let her know that she can not keep you in a bubble your whole life. You can break your ankle walking to the store!! Talk to her and let her know how you feel.|||do hurdles at her front with out hurting yourself|||Honestly, (theres nothing honestly about this i just like typing it, sorry), tell her that in the long run it could do you good. Colleges and such look for that kind of thing. Tell her that your willing to train and take that small risk. Its probably a once in a life time thing breaking your foot doing them. Get well to your friend :D.

How do you try out for hurdles in track or just track in general?

For middle school how high are the hurdles and is it really hard to get in|||Hello. I am a semi-professional Runner (I didnt make the olympics unfortunatly) and I am trying to help Americans become more fit.

I am currently working on a website on which you can submit your fitness information and I give you a personal Training program. The website is not up and running yet, so I currently am allowing people to email me their information and giving programs out that way. THIS IS FREE.

This is not a scam. I am not asking for any personal information. You dont even have to give me your real name. If you choose to get a personal training program, please email me (personalfitnesstrainer011@yahoo.com)





Name (or alias)

Best Mile Time

Best 5k Time

# of Miles you are willing to run per week

Level of intensity you are willing to do (easy, medium, hard, etc.)

Amount of time you can set aside for running each day

Current fitness self rating (1-10)

Current Mileage per week

Distance of current long run

Current # of days ran per week

Current running shoe

Why do you want to become fit or more fit?

Anything else you feel I should know about

My program is based on the Lydiard System. If you are skeptical feel free to look him up.|||most schools don't have tryouts, everyone makes the team and you work from there

What's your opinion on hurdles in track and field?

please answer if you have done it. also what do you think about the races? are they hard? Im just scared that I will trip over the hurdles or knock one down during a race.|||I have competed in hurdles for two years now, they give me the most amazing feeling. They are SOOOO much fun! Everytime i finis a race i want to go do it again.

are they hard?

Yes, it might look easy put training is hard you need to thing about a couple of thinsg when you are jumping, like running fast, keeping 3 steps, staying low on teh hurdles.

I have never tripped (lucky) so i do not know how much its hurst but i have seen a couple girls fall, and all just stood up and continued teh race... but it does hurt.

Don't be scared, the chances are low you will hit one if its one of your first races, it tends to happen to people who jump very low- if ist one of your first time you will atomaticly jump higher!

Good Luck!|||Food For Thought:

Most things are difficult before they are made easy.

If you learn the basics to hurdling, they can be fun. Without the basics, they can be intimidating. It is best that you try and run ten hurdles at practice two or three days before any race day. This way, you will know what to expect. And from your practices, you will come to know that hurdles will fall over easily without hurting you.

In the 110mH (boys) and 100mH (girls), most good runners do not even remember running the first five hurdles - it can go that fast. If you hit a hurdle during a race, you just keep going. In most cases the fallen hurdle will not create a judgment against you.

Learn the hurdle form in 3 phases and you will be fine.

The Hurdle Form:

1.) The lead leg and opposite arm

2.) The trail leg and the arm on the same side as your trail leg

3.) The hurdle form air-born

You can find out more about me in my profile:

http://answers.yahoo.com/activity;_ylt=A鈥?/a>|||They're really fun, but hard :P also painful if you trip...

How do i gain more stamina for 300m hurdles?

I've just tried them today at practice and I got a time of 51:03, I was so tired near the end, how do i get more stamina so i don't get tired?|||Besides doing the hurdle work you need to train with the 400 runners.

The long hurdles require stamina similar to the 400 sprint.

You are going to get tired but with training it will not slow you.|||I would say the obvious practice and eat healthy. I mean, you could do steroids, but I'd advise against that :P

How should I train for the 300 hurdles?

I'm 15 and want to train well before track season starts to give an edge in the 300's. I'm in a weights class at school, and try to run 2 miles 3 times a week. Last year I ran a 45.25 and I probably could've gotten under 45. This year I would like to run a low 43. I was wondering what should I do to make me better.|||Ok first you need to set up a stride length, you should probably aim to take that many steps over the hurdle each time, do a few starts over a couple hurdles after u do w.e you do for your warmup. Then run 4 200s or 100s with 5 min rest inbetween. then do it 2 times more with hurdles in the correct spacing. other days you should run 400m with the hurdles in the correct spaceing. you need to work on lower distances to help your top speed and longer distances for endurance. but yea remember the more running you do the better even if your form isn't great. but yea i cannot help you with exact form but if you literally just run a lot that helps bundles if you haven't been training for more than 5 years.

"some hurdles in their way if they are planning to get Visa"what it means?

"People having Cancer sun sign will find some hurdles in their way if they are planning to get Visa or permission from authority to travel abroad." Out of this sentence I am not know proper meaning of the word HURDLES.Please share your knowledge related this word..|||Hurdles are the fences used in some types of horse racing, which have to be jumped as the horses race. They are placed around the course and look like rows of upright sticks.

In your question you could change hurdles and put

- obstacles

- problems

- difficulties

Hope this helps

I plan on doing hurdles next year in track, will this help?

My dogs do agility and we have some dog jumps in the backyard. I'm thinking about using those as hurdles (they can be adjusted to go up to 5 feet I think), but I can't use correct form because the way the jump is set up doesn't really allow for that. Should I still try it just to get leg strength?|||i wouldn't suggest actually hurtling over them if you don't want to either fall and break your nose or develop wrong hurtling form. However, you CAN use them to do drills. In drills such as 'A's and trail leg pull-overs, the only thing you need is the edge of hurdles to do those. Also, if you have done them before, hurdle-walk-overs can be wonderful also in developing form. Don't worry about being fast, worry about getting good form. You can't be fast if your form sucks. Good luck.

Also, try do do some sprinting exercises, these will help you develop form for the time when you're actually sprinting between each hurtle.

What is the average time for a middle-school girl running 75 meter hurdles?

I'm running my first meet on Friday in the 2nd heat and want to know how I will compare (:|||75 meters isnt the standard distance, its usually 100, so i only know 100 times.

my friend whose in 8th grade gets low 18 or below for the 100.

i think that would make a 75 meter about 14 or below but thats just a guess....|||75m hurdles is an unusual hurdle distance, not many people run it, so guessing at your time in comparison with others is difficult. Since this is your first meet, enjoy it. Try and do your best in doing your event(s) and then accept your results as good results - as they will be for you.

Hurdles, is always a work in progress, even for the World's best hurdlers. No matter what other people do, you will progress in your hurdle training too.

Here is some hurdling tips:

Wait at least 2.5 hours after eating before training or racing, this will prevent the felling of nausea during and after practice.

During track season, I have had hurdlers run invisible hurdles. It keeps them from unnecessary injuries when practicing and warming up. It also helps them focus on the hurdle mechanics while airborne, without worrying about hitting a hurdle.

Practice hurdles while at home:

Place a full length mirror in front of you and watch yourself do:

Hurdle Kicks. (Pick your knee up first then extend your leg.) Pay attention to your balance arm (insure that it gets extended opposite your lead leg) The arm on the side of your lead leg should be moving backwards in a hurdle running motion. Notice where you drop your lead leg, it should come directly back to your standing spot position. And notice how you recover from the motion. (By standing up straight.)

Trail Leg Motions:

While looking in the mirror, stand up straight, keep your lead leg planted and move your trail leg back one step. Bend yourself forward to a ninety degree angle and extend the arm on the side of the trail leg straight out past your head. The lead leg knee does not have to be locked into place. Now, prepare to balance yourself as you begin to raise your trail leg straight up (pull your toes up on your trail leg) and then slowly swing your trail leg one stride, ahead of the lead leg. As you bring your trail leg forward, straighten up and drop the elbow on your extended arm while pulling your elbow back into a running position. Your opposite arm elbow should be moving forward in a running motion. When you plant your trail leg foot on the floor, touch the floor with your small toes first. And do not cross your step in front of your lead leg. At this point you should be standing straight up in a running position.

After you have gotten used to this method of practicing, practice maintaining your balance standing on one leg. First for the lead leg, by pulling your knee up first, then hold that position for awhile before slowly swinging the rest of the leg and your balance arm forward.

For your trail leg, see if you can stand on your lead leg and pull your trail leg straight up and hold it flat in position, being sure to keep your foot from dropping downwards. Your arm must be extended to help maintain balance. Now, slowly go through the motions with your trail leg.

You can, also, stand next to a kitchen table chair or office chair and practice your trail leg over the back of it.

Staying on your toes is all important for 110m (H) and 100m (H). The best way to practice staying on your toes is to practice going down stairs, staying as high, on your toes as possible. You do not have to run down the stairs, just go down them as you normally would, except keep on your toes.

You can find out more about me in my profile:


How good is a 52-second time for men's 400m hurdles?

I met a college athlete who competes in track, and his latest time was 52 - but I don't even know if that's impressive or just average.

What about 62 seconds for a woman?|||That is a good college time.

It is not elite, that would be closer to 50 flat, but that is very good and few men can run that fast.

A woman running 62 would be in about the same category, in that it is a good time, but is not going to win a major championship.|||The man's time is impressive, the woman's not so much. A comparable woman's time would be around 58.

How can I get faster in the 300 hurdles?

I run a 42-43 pretty consistently, and next year is my senior year. I was close to state this year, but I want to make sure I win it next year. Any tips? I heard ankle weights might help. Just any tips on...

1. Hurdling

2. Getting faster at sprinting(workouts)

3. Other help like ankle weights, heavy shoes etc.|||First off (because its most important), NO ANKLE WEIGHTS! They will ruin your running form and possibly get you hurt. Weights on the extreme ends of your limbs should be used during aerobics only, and someone doing track has no need of typical aerobics.

As a hurdler, you've got 3 things to work on:




You need to stay flexible in the offseason, flexibility does 2 things for you. It makes it easier to get over the hurdles, obviously. But it also makes it easier for you to run with proper form and stride. So even when you're not doing a workout, consider doing a warmup and then stretching out often.

For speed, you need to train like a 400m runner. You need that kind of endurance, and strong overall speed for between the hurdles. In the offseason, you want to stay in good overall shape, and occasionally do interval workouts like 100m and 200m repeats. Doing a lot of repeats will help your stamina.

In the offseason, your hurdling form won't need too much work. More focus should be put on conditioning and flexibility. You won't forget how to hurdle between seasons, and your coach will help you work on fine-tuning your race form at the beginning of season.

Good luck!

What is the history of hurdles races? How was it invented?

I need to write a track and field paper and i can't seem to find that out. Changing topics is out of the question becuase the topic is assigned.|||OK - I'm not 100% sure that the hurdles were a direct descendant from the Steeplechase - but I think that it is fair to say that it is. In that case, the Steeplechase (track event with fixed, high hurdles and a water jump) originated in England where competitors would run Cross-country from one church to another - hence Steeple to steeple. Obviously they had to jump over the farm fences on the way.

Perhaps you could work this into your project.|||I have to do the same thing!

Are u in mr. robinson's class?

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Going to join the track team for hurdles?

I'm 15 and my mom wants me to join the track team for like hurdles and stuff. Well I'm like 6 or 7 pounds overweight but I'm going to drop that over the next few weeks...I'm not very tall, I'm 5'5 but I have very long legs and I have a shorter upper body. I absolutely hate running so joining track will be interesting...What can I do to work on it before I start? Thanks.|||im in track too, i have some good experience now cuz ive been in with the sprinters, middistance, long distance, pole vault, AND hurdlers. its pretty tough but the results and the friends and the fun... all worth it(:

it sounds like you have the perfect body for hurdles, minus the overweight, but you dont seem to be that much overweight, and after working out a few times, that will easily be gone.

its good that your starting training so early, and your going to have to start liking running, as that is one of the most important things of hurdles (heck, like everything important to watch for in hurdling) running type for hurdlers is more middle distance, which is fast speed, for a long time. work out 3-4 times a week id say, start out with maybe a mile every day and try to improve your times from there. once you get on the field practice form and jumping and all, make sure to keep your trail leg straight and tuck your arms in.

if you start hurting which often happens, stretch and ice... stretch even if nothing hurts. but KEEP GOING or youll just lose everything youve worked for. motivation is so important here. its really fun and you geel so good afterwards (: good luck!|||first and fore most. there's now way to avoid running for hurdles your going to be running alot in practice ( i watch the girls alot ). if i were you id get in condition 3-5 weeks prior to track at least 20 miles a week. i run long distance and i don't know jack shet about hurdles.

eat less to lose weight. ( i guess )

its going to be VERY HARD! GOOD LUCK!

What is a good hurdle spike for 110 and 300 meter hurdles?

is there any good spikes coming in 2011? i was kinda looking at the Japan Lite-ning 3 track spike and the Nike Zoom Powercats? i was wounder if anyone had a idea for a good spike coming out.|||I know this is not what you want to hear, but although the spike has some to do with it, any sprinting spike will do. You want to run on your toes in the 110m hurdles and sprinting spikes make you do just that. Get a good sprinting spike and you will be fine. Also, as far as the actual spikes go, most tracks only allow 1/8" so don't try any longer unless you are sure you are allowed or you will be disqualified. You can check out eastbay.com for the latest spikes and ones on sale.

What kind of legal hurdles must be overcome to establish a home for wayward girls?

Is that what they're calling it these days?|||Being granted diplomatic immunity should take care of any and all hurdles. Tell me, are you on really good terms with any foreign countries?|||That you must establish a secondary home for all drop-outs.

May I suggest something in a nice cardboard box house that a be-hatted gent owns?|||Cross Dressing as pentagram flashing lovecat pajama bottoms.|||Just move to a third world country, less hassles.

What would be the hurdles involved in faking your death and then becoming a vigilante Serial killer?

Read 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free by Eden Press|||Finding a company that will hire you during your off hours so you can earn money to support your habit while buying food and a place to stay|||not many, if any|||Becoming the vigilante serial killer is the easy part - all you gotta do is, well, start killing people and make sure you cover your tracks. So why feel the need to fake your own death? You could just as easily eliminate yourself from enquiries by staying alive than pretending to be dead.

But, if you really must know, faking your own death has many hurdles. How would you go about finding a body then mutilating it to the point where it's no longer recognised as either you or that person? How would you go about fiddling your dental records into the coroner's report? You would have to hope and pray that the police decide that body is you because you are the only missing person who vaguely matches the body.

How would you then shield yourself from your family and friends? Would you want to put them through bereavement just so you can become a vigilante serial killer? Where would you get money from if you were technically dead and your bank account was closed?

I think as well as faking your own death, you would have to take on a new identity - presenting you with another problem; convincing people you are someone else. All a bit of a headache really.

You'll have to do what I did - let an impersonator take your place then allow him to get fat and die of drugs-related heart failure. He was so convincing that no-one believes I'm me!

How do you jump hurdles correctly?

I've never really been told how to jump them but coach wants me to. But my main question is do you jump of the same foot each time, or do you switch eash time.|||Most hurdlers lead with the same leg every time because it helps to keep your steps consistent. It does help to get good at using both legs though that way if your steps get off you wont have to studder step to get back on track.

What can I do to improve my time in the 300 Hurdles?

I've run the 300 Hurdles for a year and a half. My form is good and I can alternate my lead leg so counting strides is not an issue. I clear the hurdle with about half an inch b/w the hurdle and my leg. My start seems to be good b/c i stick with the pack for a while. My finish is not all that strong but is adequate. I seem to always have trouble on the curve. I tend to land off balance a lot and lose momentum. From my freshmen year time of 48 seconds (which is not good) I finished last year with 44.35 seconds ( I was a sophmore). How can i get down to about 41.5 or 42 this year and is it possible for me to? I need to get to that time b/c thats district qualifying (41.5)|||You probably need to work on your strength.

When I was college, (not a hurdler), my coach had the 400 meter hurdlers run 5 hurdles (200m), half a dozen times in a workout. Other workouts he would have them run repeats of 8 hurdles.

Once or twice a week, in a morning workout, he would have them run a couple of 600s.

One of his runners was a USTAF champion and another won NCAAs. He also had 2 others qualify for the NCAA meet so his methods seemed to work.|||counting your steps DOES MATTER. You need to have a set way that you run them, and work it over and over and over. You need to have a lead leg that is always you lead leg. Other than that, do squats.|||From what you've written, the obvious answer is that you need to do more work no the turn. Whether or not you can run a 41.5 depends upon your level of talent.|||practice and swim laps to improve the strength of your legs

your welcome!

How tall are middle school low hurdles?

How tall are middle school low hurdles im trying to buy some but the height increments confuse me.|||I'm pretty sure that for girls in middle school it's at its lowest click. And for boys its just 1 up. Hopefully I'm right.

What kind of hurdles did Concentration Camps and the treatment of Jews have?

By hurdles do you mean problems? What problems did the camps have? uh many.they should never have been built.or thought of.But humanity will continue to think these things,and some like hitler have the power to do it again.I really hope that doesnt happen again.but genocides are still happening everywhere,and millions of people are dying.|||Please rephase. I don't understand the question, but I have visited Auschwitz..so perhaps I can be some help.

What is an average time for 55 meter hurdles for a 7th grade, female?

I'm just wondering because I think my time is 10:51 and I'm not sure what the average time would be for someone like me. I'm wondering because I'm trying to figure out if I could compete for points at a track meet.

Thanks in advance!!|||I would say that 10:51 is a competitive time and has a very good chance of scoring at most MS meets. Under 10 would be an VERY good time, but under 11 is certainly competitive.

How can I improve my time on the hurdles?

I have a good trail leg but I can't seem to figure out if that is the reason or if it's because I don't use a starting block.|||A starting block would be good. To help your leg, go to a track-field and practice jumping over posts or fences!

Good-Luck!|||dig your feet more into the track this will help your height and speed|||I would first start using a starting block. They really do help you. It's going to take time to get comfortable in them but it should help you out. Remember that when you come out of the starting block stay low don't stand straight up, this will cost you time also.|||well the problem is that u cannot get used to the timing between distance of the next hurdle... try training with the poles...low height and slowly raised it up bit by bit :D|||Run faster to improve time|||Train with the hurdles slightly higher, because when you're in a race situation tension tends to effect leg lift and therefore you would chance hitting the barriers. Because muscle memory thinks hurdle is higher you will sail over the obstacles and you can concentrate on flat speed. Lets know how your times go and good luck!

Is it possible to drop from a 44sec 300m hurdles to a 40 sec in one year?

Last year was my first year hurdling and I didn't quite have the form down. This year I am destined to get it right and I am extremely dedicated.|||If you ran 44 last year, then it is very possible to improve by 4 seconds this year, since you should develop much better form.

With proper training you can run faster and not lose time over the hurdles.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How high is 80m hurdles for juniors?

Im 13 and im doing 80m hurdles, anyone know how high they are?|||30 inches the lowest setting on the hurdles.|||36 inches|||ed hardy t-shirt$18,coach handbag$35,air max90,dunk%%

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Do you think, the caste system in India becomes one of the major hurdles of Indian developments ?

Is it really required to consider in Government employment, Education and etc.?

I feel, this becomes very strong weapon for Politicians.|||I think you're right. Caste system is definitely one of the greatest barriers between India and its development.

Even voters those who brag about being very open-minded and stuff unconsciously do like favouring politicians of their own community/caste/sub-caste. Thats why most of the time we end up getting filthy people as our leaders who think only about getting money on their hands and fooling the citizens.

Whereas the really deserving candidates, because of their caste minorites hardly ever get a chance to take control of the situation.

Sorry if I'm exaggerating, but that's what I really think ever since I've read my NCERT Political Science textbook :)|||Our Society has been riveted on Hindu caste lines from birth to death and even thereafter. The whole structure is arranged in hierarchical order and each section's rights and duties are thus determined and rendered rigid. The vast majority have been denied, on account of the accident of birth, education, jobs, salary, hygiene and sanitation and even freedom, self respect and humane treatment. This original Reservation Policy continued for more than 5000 years with little or no change leading our Society into abject poverty, disease, illiteracy, stagnation, internal animosity, foreigners' occupation and exploitation.

To redress this gross unequal and unjust condition and set right the ill-effects of the original Reservation, since Independence and a few years preceding that, this scheme of de-reservation is implemented by the Government. It is now called Reservation Policy of the Government. Till date, this policy is not implemented sincerely or completely. It is implemented in a casual, superficial and haphazard manner with a halfhearted and lukewarm attitude. The bureaucracy is, by and large, opposed to it and ensures its non-implementation.This later day reservation is confined to Government jobs alone.

Only a few benefit from this and the rest continue to eke out livelihoods in slums far worse than street dogs ! I

f you have any doubt, just look around you - they are forbidden to enter temples, leave alone become pujaris ; they are prevented from taking water from common wells and ponds, they are prohibited from marrying outside their Caste etc etc etc|||Yes, I also think, the caste system in India becomes one of the major obstascles of Indian developments,

Now it is judiciously required to consider in Government employment, Education and etc.?

I feel, this becomes very strong weapon for Politicians,which is intensionally being used wrongly.|||Yes caste system is the major hurdle in all our development activities.

Government after Independence have with a view to uplift certain castes which were economically, socially backward, gave certain preferences, but this has become a convenient tool for the politicians to exploit in the name of caste.|||Yes you are right. Development will happen if skilled people are on right job, but we have quota system due to different casts and many unskilled people are on job, just because they are of some caste.|||You are Right. Mahatma Gandhi's SOUL must be turning at His Samadhi.

The things Gandhi wanted to clear in Free India have gained more Importance at the behest of Political Leaders which is very dangerous.|||Yes caste system is the major hurdle in all our development activities. But it required to consider in government education and employment.|||It certainly is and the gap among different casts is further deepened by offering them quota rather than really working for their social upliftment.|||Caste system is misused in India, becoming one of the major weapons of politicians to beat the nation with.|||yes, It blocks persons from showing their ability %26amp; politicians are root cause tp prmote castisam for their votebank. We shouls now become Indian first then hinduthe brahmin etc.|||I am here.Don't worry.Just join me to be developed.See Peter Kumar -how he is behaving now!Don't think about inner voice,I will help u to kill that.God bless u.|||Yes.

But politicians r misusing it.|||It definitely is.|||Divide and Rule

Caste is one wepon in the hands of Policians

What is the is the easiest way to get a 4-step for hurdles?

8 steps to the 1st hurdle is how it should be done.

3 steps between hurdles for sprint hurdles is the proper technique.

Reduce the distance between the hurdles. This will work particularly on leg speed between the hurdles and will simulate the effects of a tail wind(the hurdles must be brought in closer). Lower the hurdles. This enables the you to work on the rhythm between the hurdles and on leg speed

Shorten the distance between the first and second hurdle so that you can run without bounding by walking off the distance by 1 or 2 steps from the original marks, now walk off the same distance for all of the other hurdles.

Practice this till it feels like you are getting too close to the next hurdle then move all the hurdles back to the proper distance.

the technique takes time do not force it, so "just run" go over the hurdle with what ever leg comes up.|||what are you running now? 5 steps? . . . the fastest method is 3 steps between the sprint (100m) hurdles . . . 4 steps between the hurdles involves alternating lead legs and forces you to take 8 extra steps in the race as opposed to using the 3 step method . . . how good is your form? how about your speed? are you running 8 steps to the 1st hurdle? if you are having difficulty running 3 steps in between the hurdles, try moving the 2nd hurdle closer by the length of the bottom of the hurdle and try it then . . . the trick is to develop a rhythm between the hurdles for 3 steps and to run normally and not to bound (running straight legged) . . . once you establish a rhythm, push the hurdles back a 1/3 of the way and repeat until you have the same rhythm between the slightly longer distance . . . continue until the hurdle is back at its regular mark . . . do the same for the 3rd hurdle etc . . . you get the idea and good luck

I need help with measuremnet for the different hurdles and distances between hurdles?

I have a 13 year old boy and girl and a 11 year old boy as well as a 11year old girl I coach. I need the height, the distance from the start to firs hurdle, the distances between the different hurdle for the different ages. I cant find it anywhere. Please help|||For Olymians, I found this:

Ten equally spaced wooden barriers stand between the world class hurdler and the finish line. They may hit the hurdles repeatedly, and many do. Although they are not penalized by officials, hitting the hurdles is not a good idea for several reasons. It hurts, slows the runner down and occasionally throws a runner's rhythm off and causes a crash.

The 110m hurdles for men and 100m hurdles are for women known as sprint hurdles as opposed to the 400m hurdles events which are sometimes called the “intermediate hurdles.”

The 110m hurdles are 1.07m high and placed 9.14m apart while the women’s sprint hurdles are .84m high and 8.5m apart. They can be lowered for use in the 400m distance to .91m in the men’s event and .76m high for the women. Hurdles in the 400m hurdles races are placed 35m apart and the same location for both men and women.

Lane assignments are critical, as they are in sprints. It’s advantageous to run in the middle lanes with competitors on either side. Some hurdlers, however, are so talented they can win from any lane. Xiang Liu of China, the reigning Olympic champion, won the 2007 IAAF World Championships in Osaka from lane 9 in an excellent time of 12.95 seconds.

The starter in all hurdles races will use the standard “On Your Marks” and “Set” commands before firing the gun. Any athlete who leaves the starting blocks before the gun or faster than the allowable reaction time of 0.100 seconds is judged to have committed a false start. The first false start is charged to the entire field. Any athlete who false starts subsequently is disqualified.

Staying in their lanes

In the one lap event, the hurdlers will lead with their left legs which helps keep them from going out of their lanes. Because they run the entire race in lanes the hurdles are staggered so that each athlete runs the same distance to the first hurdle. The trick to see who is leading the race is to watch who reaches their respective barriers first.

The 400m hurdlers are also very good 400m flat racers. Kerron Clement of the United States, who won the 2007 world championships in a time of 47.61 seconds, beat Michael Johnson’s world indoor 400m record three years ago. His time was 44.57 seconds.

Hurdlers will run heats and semi-finals before racing in the final.


Then there is this one:


It is very informative.

This one is a sample, I think it is for adults:


This one is for kids,,sorta:


This is a patent for an adjustable one, kinda neat.


What are good spikes for hurdles?

I run the 110 meter hurdles and the 400 meter hurdles and I was wondering what kind of spikes I should get. I have Adidas spikes but they're too small now and I wasn't that big on them.|||Most hurdlers use a middle distance spike, it has a slight heel or cushion for your heel, and a sprint spike plate.

They do make hurdle spikes, but I don't think they will perform any better than a middle distance spike.|||Considering your dislike of Adidas, I'll avoid listing any spikes by them -

A good 400m flat spike is the Nike Maxcat - an update of this is the JA or Powercat, which assists your foot on the turn, via the arrangement of the spike plate.

However, if you are willing to try something slightly less mainstream - my advice would be to go for the ASICS Turbo Phantom.

Prices vary - but 拢30 is a good deal.

Designed especially for the turn, 200m and 110m Hurdles, it has a footstrap to lock down the forefoot, and the arrangement of the spike plate means that there is a great deal of tortion available on the ball of your foot - ideal for the landing and driving off from hurdles.

However, the Maxcat, and its successor - Maxcat II, are definitely favourites at my club with the 110m and 400m hurdlers, both of whom competed at the SEAA champs last year.

Hope that helps.|||For the sprint hurdles(110MH) stick with a sprint spike something like the Brooks Twitch S or F3 Sprint.

Fo the intermediate hurdles(400MH) try something with a slight heel but not a full pad continuing under the arch you need your arch to be flexible not stiff like a full distance shoe try the Brooks Surge MD

If you can't afford to buy 2 different shoes look for something in any brand with again a small heel but that it doesn't have a plate or padded sole carry all the way over your arches to the spike plate|||I have Nike sprinter spikes that I use for sprinting and pole vaulting. They make pv shoes, but there isn't really any difference. I'm sure it's the same for hurdles. I really like them. They are rival zoom's. I got them last year, so I don't know if you can get them anymore. Just the same, Nike spikes are great! Try going to a sporting goods store to get them. At the end of last season I got brand new spikes for $15. They are usually around $60. Be a smart shopper! Good Luck.

What is a good 110 Hurdles time for an 8th Grader?

I am an 8th grader and i run about a 17.9 is that any good for a Middle School Runner, and what would be an average time?|||Thats pretty good. You could be a bit faster, cause my friend ran 16s last year. Ocassionally low 18s, but mostly low 17s and high 16s are about average times for a middle schoole hurdler.|||i ran a 17.3...and i was pretty good. my friend ran a 16.4 and was 9th in state. Anything lower than 18 will win you some races. By the way i live in IL, a top track state.

How do i get myself to switch legs on the 100 hurdles?

I can't seem to do it at all. I'm stuck doing the same leg with 5 steps in between and my mind just wont let me use my other leg. (My left leg is the trail leg) This is my 3rd year so is it too late to learn something new?|||You should really learn to 3 step the hurdles, they are 8.5 meters apart and are spaced for women who have shorter strides than men.

Begin by placing the hurdles close enough so that you can reach the hurdle in 3 strides.

After you are comfortable doing this then push the hurdles just a little farther apart, continue this routine until you are either at the regulation distance or within one foot of the 8.5 meter spacing.

I don't know your age, but if this is your 3rd year of hurdling you should be progressing to 3 steps so you can run to your potential speed and be a very good hurdler, which you can not do running 4 steps.|||no its not 2 late,however you might want to ask your coach how he feels about you doing that.Start out by at practice evry day put your lead leg on the starting line first.This will help your body find its natural rythm so subconsciously your body should just follow through into the oppsite leg.On the 2nd hurdle your muscle memory may correct itself so youll go back onto you left leg again. to avoid this try practing gettin you muscles used to going right leg trail leg step step step so you can be ready to that on your next meet.

hope i was of some help.|||well this year was my first year but i placed at districts.... if you want to be really good the only way is to 3 step the hurldes... which means you dont switch legs but just take 3 steps, honestly thats the only way you can get ahead of your competition ( every varsity hurdle runner in high school 3 steps them) just practice different drills such as lead leg and trail leg drills|||no its not too late. in practice just set up like 1 or 2 hurdles and just practice for like 10mins going over with your left leg just going over one. if youre not comfortable even going over with it just keep doing it.once you are try the first hurldes with youre right leg leading then the 2nd one left...do taht a few times and then expand by 2 hurdles.|||Try Asking your coach or go to like a weight store

and ask for A "Starter block"

It has like pedals 4 a bike and it's lke on a stick and u can adjust it so u can put ur right leg in front and left in back it'll totally work! if u do try or get one practice practice and It WILL make you go on the Other foot!:)

Good luck!|||Practice, practice, practice is the key. Have your coach help you out at track practice.|||wear a heavier shoe on foot you dont wont to jump with in practice...it works for people on my track team

What is a good time in the 55 meter hurdles for an 8th grader?

I am almost 14 and I'm in 8th grade. I ran the 55's for the first time ever in a track meet a while ago, and I got 9.52.

Remember this was my first timed run.|||That sounds pretty good. Hurdles is a hard event. Im sure you would be around average but sounds pretty good.|||yeah so far i've improved to 9.27.

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|||im 13 and my first year doin it i got 7.8

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|||Thats good. im fourth out of every freshman in the city %26lt;3

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How tall are 8th grade girls hurdles?

I'm in the 8th grade and our first meet is on Tuesday I wanted to practice at home and I was wondering how tall the hurdles are for 8th girls in Kansas north western Kansas if that helps thanks guys bless you|||30" i do the same thing im in 8th grade :) :)

Advice for a short teen trying out for track and field hurdles?

(I'm a girl btw) I am in high school and am 14 and a half. (age)

I want to try out for track. I'm strong and fast but am only 5'2"

What advice could you give me, because I really want to do hurdles. How can I train myself to sprint faster and jump higher?

Thanks!|||Don't worry about jumping higher - work on form and balance. I have coached several short girls into the state track meet and this is what we stress. Most of all, do NOT be afraid of the hurdle - attack it!

Also, work on coming out of the blocks aggressively - many races are lost in the first 10 meters because of poor starting technique.

In the weight room, make sure to concentrate on the core (i.e., abs).

One more thing - work on flexibility. One cannot be too flexible.|||breath with on ur nose not wid ur moth keep up ur pace practice running cus it takes time|||i am a freshmen also, and im 5'11, although the fastest person in our school is a girl, a sophmore, shes 5'4, she is a beast, she practices at home and already has like 6 scholarships|||read "TQT ..." (the alleged coach) answer. seems to cover it all.

however, i suspect you could easily gain in height! i personally believe that if you WANT to do this, that in itself means a lot. can you practice on your own, at home? one summer the coach/school allowed me to take some hurdles home which i'd set out in the street (it was NOT a busy street) and practice. i didn't have talent nor speed but did get a bit better. i eventually concentrated on middle and long distances as i did not have jumping ability (nor speed). sounds like you have the speed -- which is a big part of the hurdles!

Can a short person be good in the intermidiate hurdles?

I am around 5'6 and my fastest time so far was 55.08 sec. Can someone give me some tips on how to become better?|||I used to run hurdles in track in high school. Now, I have a bit of a height advantage, being 5'10" with really long legs. No matter how tall you are, you can be an excellent hurdler. The one piece of advice that I can offer is to stay consistent. During practices, don't focus on your time so much as your consistency. Are you jumping at the same point every time you reach the next bar? Are you bending your legs properly and taking the correct steps in order to reach the next bar? I used to have a problem with my footing and I would always have to stutter step right before the hurdle which really slowed me down. If you have the opportunity, run beside the hurdles to get your footing that way you don't run into the hurdle and risk serious injury. Also, do straightaway sprints without the hurdles, this will help improve your time. Try and pace yourself, if you rush it, chances are you will mess up your footing causing you to become slower in the long run.

I wish you the best of luck!

Trying to start hurdles, any tips on how to begin?

Okay so I have decided that I want to do hurdles for my high school's indoor track team. Only problem is that I'm scared to jump them! I know I can jump over them, but I always stutter step before I reach the hurdle and can never jump it. I also have no clue how to develop form or technique. I don't want to come to the first practice looking foolish, so can someone please give me some advice?|||The first problem is that you can not be hesitant about getting over the hurdles. One of the keys to running them is CONFIDENCE. I recommend that before you start running them, having no idea what to do you need to practice little bits of your form. When I first started running hurdles it came pretty naturally to me but my form wasn't perfect, so i'll give you some tips that my coach gave me on running them.

1. Your lead leg (the leg you go over with first) needs to be as straight as possible. You DO NOT want your knee bent at all. This doesn't sound very helpful but believe me it helped me tons! My coach compared it to "kicking the door open." What you need to do is stand up facing a wall. Now you draw your knee up like your about to perform high knees, and then straighten it out so the bottom of your foot hits the wall. Do this repeatedly with both legs. And make sure you do it fast it's not a slow motion.

2. Your drag leg is very important in hurdling. What I do is set up one hurdle and keep working on my drag leg with each leg. Your leg literally needs to be parallel with the ground. Instead of extending it out front you need to make sure it goes to the side of your body. Make sure your foot is turned so that your toe doesn't face the ground, but faces to the side. Do this repeatedly with each leg.

3. Another big thing to keep in mind while hurdling is your upper body form. Make sure that your leaning forward as you go over the hurdle. Also have the opposite arm of your lead leg (so if your left leg is your lead leg then your right arm should be extended forward) but don't have it straight out. My coach told me to pretend I'm looking at a watch on my wrist. In other words have your elbow bent so that your wrist is facing up and your hand is in a fist. The arm that's on the same side of your body as your lead leg should be extended straight back. Once you master the first tip I have you you can add pumping your arms and working that uperbody form. It may even help more to advance to an open space with no wall so that you can work on snapping your lead leg down. The faster you can snap that lead leg down to the ground the faster your time will be.

4. Ok, now one more thing before you hit the real hurdles. If your gym teacher or track coach has like those mini hurdle things(they're just like a foot tall and they're plastic) ask to borrow them. You may feel kind of weird doing this but set up 3 or 4 of those a good distance apart and have someone watch you run them. Act like your jumping a real hurdle. Use the form and everything and make sure your sprinting. Once you've mastered the form you may move on to some real hurdles.

5. For the real hurdles you need to be as close to them as you can get without hitting them. You have to be really low. The higher you are over them the slower the time you'll get. One thing our coaches did was he took a strip of foam that stuck up about 6 inches above the top of the hurdle. If you weren't hitting the foam then you were wayyyy to high above them. And i'm not saying just skim the foam you really have to feel it and it should be almost flat on the hurdle while your gliding over it. You shouldn't even be over it really you should be running right through it.

What type of heels on spikes should i get if i do long jump and hurdles?

for track?

what shuld the heel look like? also what are some brands i should look for?|||u gonna wear just the heels? if so i wanna be one of the hurdles. u can jump over me or onto me!|||Do it in 6 inch stilletos. It would look cool.

How can we be reconciled as we face hurdles and challenges.?

I just ask as some desire accceptance of their faith. At other points going far beyond verbal criticisms.

I believe prayer and fastings can give us better directions as Jesus as mediator of oiur faith does not induce unbclean spirits.

Simply we all need God sometimes to guard, guide, deliver us from the things we face in life.|||Hurdle or obstacles are there to make us perfect. Failure is to be taken as a stepping stone for success.|||Just continue to Abide IN Him and to "Fear Not"! :)

What are the hurdles to economic growth in developing countries?



diehard mindset

feudal chains|||It depends on the dynamics of the country. The Washington Consensus doesn't work for all. Some general reasons are; lack of women's rights, poor educational system, infrastructural problems, capital flight, and corruption.|||developed countries greed and exploitation.

What are the hurdles for old employees to adopt computerized system in an organization?

please give a detailed answer|||The major hurdle is an unfamiliarity with the workings and use of any computer./ There is also the reluctance to accept change.|||Generally, a desire not to learn computers. It is called paranoia. They do not want to change do to fear of not knowing/ or of the change itself.

Reasons can be complex but expresses itself as a form of paranoia.

In 100 hurdles what measurements should I have for my blocks?

I'm in track and we have a meet tomorrow. I was gone when we learned how to do blocks because we have to start off of them. I understand how to do them, I just don't know what my measurements should be. I put my right foot forward and left back. I'm 5ft 5. My torso is about 2.5 feet and my legs are about 3. So what numbers should I be at? Thanks for the help!|||You should try and see what works for you. I also do hurdles and you just to see what is comfortable to you.

What kind of shoes should I get if I plan on participating in hurdles and sprints?

If you could please give me types of shoes, specific brands, WHY do I need to get that type of shoe (how will it help me?) Thank you so much for your help!|||Asics they feel so light and have great grip|||get spikes. not long distance ones though (they have a bit of a heel) get sprinting ones. the reason is that they are very small and light weight. they will be tight on your foot and they have spikes on the bottom to give you a better grip. overall they help you run faster

Is there a proven, good way to learn to three step the 110m high hurdles?

I am shorter (5 foot 3 inches) and have been hurdling for two years. Right now, I usually do 5-7 steps, because I've gotten used to having my left leg as trail leg. I am a senior this year, and learning four step will be hard. My best time within the last two seasons is 19.8 secs. Track starts in a month and I need to gain my varsity spot back. Suggestions?|||practice practice practice

What is a good 400m hurdles time for a freshman in high school?

I run a 63.5 right now as a freshman and I wanna know how well that compares to other freshman|||thats pretty good..anywhere under a minute is very good|||Here is a list of current year results:

T%26amp;FN List:


High School Current Year List:


What time do I have to get in the 110 high hurdles in order to be looking to go to college and run track.?

I am senior right now, I am the best 110er we got but I may not be running this year due to my coaches. So the only way I might have a chance to run in college if I can is as a walk on. What do you think?|||If you don't run in high school, it's going to be tough to run in college. I suggest you put your personal feelings aside and run. I didn't like my coach, but, I ran anyway. (800 meters) I wasn't great... (2:07) but, I won on occasion and usually finished in the top 2, 3 or 4. The running is all that matters. If you're the best, they can't stop you. Anyway... if you want to know the times...


I'd be shooting for sub 14 sec. if you want to have a chance.

My brother ran in college. He was pretty decent. He won the mile in the community college state track meet back in 1975. He coaches track now.|||you should be running 14.00 and under ,you can also try the 300.|||damn im freshman gonna run track looking to do hurdles. thats all =) have a good one. sorry cant answer ur question|||Just folo your dreams and do what you want to do just have fun and enjoy it =) have a nice day =)|||what are they talking about. i run the 100 meter dash and hurdles. you could probably get into to a division 2 school with 14 flat.

How fast do you think I can run the 400 intermediate hurdles?

Hi, tomorrow is the first time I'm gonna be running 400IH, I was wondering how fast you people think I can run it. My goal is to get under 65 seconds.

I'm 15 years old, 6ft tall, 145lb. I can run a 400 in about 56 seconds, an 800 in 2:15, and 55HH in about 9 seconds. I run cross country, so I have some degree of endurance.

How well do you think I could do?|||uh let me see. im your height and weight right now and 16 years old. i was a sophomore last year--%26gt; by the end of spring my best 400m time was 53.8 and i was only able to get a 58.55sec time in the 400IH. 60 sec is the huge mental barrier in the 400IH but i think you can do it. you need to get out fast. many get out slow because they're anxious about stuttering or hitting the 1st hurdle.

*also you'll run faster if you think of this race as a series of continous sprints in between the hurdles

*you'll run slower if you think of this race as a whole 400m race with hurdles|||I'm guessing anywhere from 65-75 seconds. Good luck!|||I was similiar to you in HS, and my 400IH was about 5 seconds slower on average than a flat quarter

So I guess you can go under 65|||I don't know how good your hurdle form is but if its really good then 65 isn't out of the question, but its early in the season and you're 15 having never run this event before so somewhere between 65-75.

Remember your legs are gonna be really tired on that last 100 meters AND you have to jump over those hurdles, so don't go way out of your comfort zone the first 200. I'd say go 31 or 32 the first 200. Don't go out in 27 or 28, that last 100 will be brutal.

Good luck

Does anyone have any tips to increase your speed while doing hurdles?

I'm in my school's track and field team and I really want to try to break the school's record. My record is 13 flat and im pretty sure the school's record is 11.8. I've only been doing track for about 8 weeks and I have a year to try to increase my speed. Any tips?|||well practice everyday sprints, etc. always help! -but actually going over the hurdles in a race, lean forward and try to just skim them. you don't want to get to high over them because then you lose your time in the air, and also make sure your starts are strong. Work on the little details like moving your arms, driving your knees, and other then that you seem like your doing a really great job! so keep it up, good luck!|||make a sort of JUMP start when you lift off. swing your arms up when you come up to a hurdle. BE CAREFUL!|||idk but i really want to do hurdles next year as a freshman!|||Jump them. :P :( :D|||work out and practice every day and lose weight|||PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!...just practice practice and practice..trust me it helps!! :)

What are all the hurdles we encounter on our endeavor to make our country a Fully Developed Country?

A number of attitudinal and structural factors, such as

lack of national pride,

politics based on caste and other identities,

a hierarchic and corruption-ridden feudal society and the tendency to reward failure and weakness rather than success and achievement are the major hurdles that are stopping us from achieving our true potential.

On the other hand, our strengths in democratically managing a MultiSync, multicultural country and our capacity to master technology are also notable. Steps and hopeful developments that show the way forward to solve our national problems and realise the vision of a better India are Important|||first of all you should know that you are asking for something which is impossible.

and the hurdles are: horrible population,poverty,illiteracy,corruption what not.we have everything in place not to make this country a developed country not even in next million years,i bet.|||Lets do some research.

If - English letters are equal to numbers like A=1, B=2, C=3 ............Z=26


Luck = L+U+C+K = 12+21+3+11 = 47%

Love = L+O+V+E = 2+15+22+5 = 54%

SMART = S+M+A+R+T = 19+13+1+18+20 = 71%

HONEST = H+O+N+E+S+T = 8+15+14+5+19+20 = 81%

Knowledge = K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%

Hard Work = H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%

Then what gives 100%

There is only one quality which gives 100%

There is only one quality which can lead us to the top.

And that is ATTITUDE = A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E = 1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

See the video below of Lead India campaign.


Best wishes to all the Indians, my friends.|||culture.. thats it.rulers in the country has same standards of the people .

What to do when life seems to throw you hurdles and you have a hard time accepting?

Ok, I'm a single mom and so many things are going wrong right now. My father is suffering from Alzheimers and I'm the part-time caregiver, my daughter has been having a phobia of illness (which is prohibiting her from seeing her friends, going out, etc.) and I feel isolated, frustrated and impatient. I can't leave my daughter with anyone because she'll go nuts. I really don't know what to do and I feel helpless. Help?|||you obviously can't handle this alone,

sit down and have a talk with god

i promise, it'll work.|||Well, if he really has moderate to severe Alzheimers, you need to get power of attorney and putting him in a nursing home. Sooner or later, he'll get worse and he won't be able to stay at home.

That's what you need to do.

What are the hurdles in constructing a plasma engine for planetary use?

I mean, non-spacecraft use...a plasma generated by using simply the air in the atmosphere to generate thrust, in say, airplanes. Why is it only useful for spacecraft? not enough thrust?|||for terrestrial applications:generating the required amount of plasma.

to overcome atmospheric drag,you would need a lot of it.

accelerating the plasma to a useful velocity? most likely magnetism.

this would require a massive amount of power(gigawatts)

scramjets and ionic propulsion are two completly different

animals.|||not enough thrust --- power --- energy

your only dealing with charged particles and not large amounts of gases|||The containment of the plasma is also an issue. You can use magnetics but you are using a lot of energy. more than you get out|||In space, you can get away with the tiny amount of thrust generated by the extremely efficient ion engines, because you have plenty of time to increase your orbit without air friction getting in the way.

In the atmosphere, ion engines are essentially useless, because aerodynamic drag bleeds away your speed much faster than the weak thrust of the engine can replenish it.