Friday, December 2, 2011

How can I practice getting my trail leg up for hurdles when I am at home?

My coach says my trail leg is dangerously close to hooking the hurdle (and I really don't want that).|||You can practice leg drills at home without a hurdle.

To make sure you don't hook the hurdle with your trail toes, keep your foot dorsi flexed and everted so the toes are pointing up, toward the sky and your knee.

If you let your toes drop down and you hit the hurdle it will hook it rather than just knocking it over.|||do hurdler jumps crouch down on the ground to where your knees are to your chest and your on your toes then jump up in the air and have your legs the way they are when you go over once your in the air do at least 10 a day they helped me

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