Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What would be the hurdles involved in faking your death and then becoming a vigilante Serial killer?

Read 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free by Eden Press|||Finding a company that will hire you during your off hours so you can earn money to support your habit while buying food and a place to stay|||not many, if any|||Becoming the vigilante serial killer is the easy part - all you gotta do is, well, start killing people and make sure you cover your tracks. So why feel the need to fake your own death? You could just as easily eliminate yourself from enquiries by staying alive than pretending to be dead.

But, if you really must know, faking your own death has many hurdles. How would you go about finding a body then mutilating it to the point where it's no longer recognised as either you or that person? How would you go about fiddling your dental records into the coroner's report? You would have to hope and pray that the police decide that body is you because you are the only missing person who vaguely matches the body.

How would you then shield yourself from your family and friends? Would you want to put them through bereavement just so you can become a vigilante serial killer? Where would you get money from if you were technically dead and your bank account was closed?

I think as well as faking your own death, you would have to take on a new identity - presenting you with another problem; convincing people you are someone else. All a bit of a headache really.

You'll have to do what I did - let an impersonator take your place then allow him to get fat and die of drugs-related heart failure. He was so convincing that no-one believes I'm me!

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